Proposed Ordinance to Allow the Keeping of Hens within Pierre City Limits
The following changes to the City of Pierre municipal code to permit a small backyard flock of no more than six hens within the city limits of Pierre on non-agricultural land.
- Revise Chapter 8
The proposed ordinance reads as follows:
Section 8-2-114. Unlawful to keep animals or fowl within the city.
No person shall place, keep or maintain any live swine, horses, cows, goats, sheep, llamas, prairie dogs, primates, snakes, ducks, geese, chickens or other domestic fowl except Gallus gallus domesticus(domestic chickens) pursuant to Chapter 10 Article 3 Section X, except on property zoned agriculture, and in accordance with the conditions of Chapter 12, Article 4, Agricultural District, or any wild mammal, reptile or fowl which is not naturally tame or gentle, but is of a wild nature or disposition, and which because of its size, vicious nature or other characteristics would constitute a danger to human life or property if it escaped from secure quarters, within the limits of the city.
Source: R.O. Pierre, 1957, 9.0902; Ord. No. 655, 1957; Rev. of Ord., 1990; Ord. 1357, 1994; Ord. 1376, 1996; Ord. 1378, 1996.
2. Revise Chapter 10 Article 3 to include
(a) The keeping of hens on any private land in the city shall not be on a scale creating a nuisance.
(b) Regarding keeping domestic fowl of the order Galliformes in the genus of Gallus (chickens):
(1) A maximum of six hens may be kept on private land within city limits.
(2) Roosters are prohibited.
(3) Hens should be provided a coop that is of sufficient size and construction to protect them from predators. (4) Hens must remain on their owner’s property or on private property with the permission of the property owner. Hens must be appropriately caged when off of permitted private property.(5) Coops should be set back from the property line at a distance of three (3) feet.(6) Residents who own hens must notify the city in writing within 30 days of procuring hens.
Update 12/01/2103: We will be revising the above ordinance.
(3) Hens should be provided a coop that is of sufficient size and construction to protect them from predators. (4) Hens must remain on their owner’s property or on private property with the permission of the property owner. Hens must be appropriately caged when off of permitted private property.(5) Coops should be set back from the property line at a distance of three (3) feet.(6) Residents who own hens must notify the city in writing within 30 days of procuring hens.
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